The blood samples

The blood sample provided for the study are used to identify genetic, hormonal and other factors that may be associated with breast cancer risk.

When the blood samples arrived at the Generations Study Laboratory they were processed immediately and then stored at -180˚C in liquid nitrogen cooled tanks for long-term preservation and use.

Blood processing 

The blood samples for the study were processed in a special laboratory at the Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins Research Centre at The Institute of Cancer Research in Chelsea.

(1) Centrifuge

When received, the blood samples were spun in a centrifuge to separate their different components. 

(2) Working on the MAPI machines

Using a machine called a MAPI, the samples were mechanically drawn into “straws” in volumes of 0.5 millilitres. Approximately 35 straws are prepared from the blood samples from each participant.

(3) The straws

The straws were placed into triangular tubes; different colour tubes were used for each individual. These triangular tubes were then put inside "goblets" for long term storage.

(4) Freezer storage

The samples were stored overnight in a freezer set at -80oC.  This freezes the samples quickly.

(5) Storage in liquid nitrogen

The samples were then transferred for long term storage into tanks containing liquid nitrogen.

(6) Retrieving blood samples

A computer system keeps track of exactly where in the liquid nitrogen tank each sample is stored.  This means that they can be easily retrieved for analysis.