Study leaders

The Generations Study is led by Professor Garcia-Closas and Professor Berrington with teams of scientists and technical staff working with them.


Professor Monserrat Garcia-CLosasI returned to The Institute of Cancer Research to continue working on the Generations Study. The amount and quality of data obtained thanks to the generosity and dedication of all participants is an increadibly valuable research resource. Research from the study will benefit women at risk or living with breast cancer by empowering them with information on their risk and how to reduce it. Together, we can fight this disease affecting millions of women.

Professor Montserrat Garcia-Closas worked on the Generations Study in 2010-2015, and re-joined us in May. She is originally from Barcelona, Spain, where she obtained her medical doctor degree. She trained as an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health and has over 20 years of research experience at the US National Cancer Institute. There she has led a large research program in cancer epidemiology. Her research focuses on helping women understand how likely they are to develop breast cancer – by providing them with tools and information to understand their risk. With this knowledge, women can take steps to reduce their risk of developing cancer, or detect it early through regular check-ups (screening).



Professor Monserrat Garcia-CLosas

The Generations Study and the opportunity to work with Breast Cancer Now were important factors in my decision to work at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR). We share the goals of studying how we can prevent breast cancer and how we can enable women to live well with breast cancer.
The study has already contributed to the goal of helping us understand what causes breast cancer. There is still much more that we, and others, can learn from the many different types of information that you are providing. One of my, and Breast Cancer Now’s priorities, is to help other researchers to use the study data. We can accelerate the pace of the research if we have more scientists involved.

Professor Amy Berrington joined ICR in October 2022 as a new Principal Investigator of the Generations Study. She is originally from Oxford where she trained in Cancer Epidemiology but has lived in Washington DC for the last 17 years working at Johns Hopkins University and the US National Cancer Institute. There she was the head of a large department and after the pandemic she and her family decided to move back to the UK.